Brazilian Journal of Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Critical Care Physiotherapy
Brazilian Journal of Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Critical Care Physiotherapy


Vinicius Cavalheri

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Comorbidades em pacientes com câncer de pulmão elegíveis para resecção cirúrgica: o impacto da hipertensão arterial sistêmica


1. World Health Organization. World Cancer Report 2014 WHO. Geneva. 2014.

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4. Lembicz M, Gabryel P, Brajer-Luftmann B, Dyszkiewicz W, Batura-Gabryel H. Comorbidities with non-small cell lung cancer: Is there an interdisciplinary consensus needed to qualify patients for surgical treatment? Ann Thorac Med. 2018 Apr-Jun;13(2):101-7.

5. Luchtenborg M, Jakobsen E, Krasnik M, Linklater KM, Mellemgaard A, Moller H. The effect of comorbidity on stage-specific survival in resected non-small cell lung cancer patients. Eur J Cancer. 2012 Dec;48(18):3386-95.

6. Irie M, Nakanishi R, Yasuda M, Fujino Y, Hamada K, Hyodo M. Risk factors for short-term outcomes after thoracoscopic lobectomy for lung cancer. Eur Respir J. 2016 Aug;48(2):495-503.

7. Cavalheri V, Granger C. Preoperative exercise training for patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Jun;6:CD012020.

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